- Soil Conservation in the Catchments of River Valley Projects (RVP).
- Chambal Mahi and Dantiwara and Flood Prone River (Banas) in Rajasthan.
The Main Objects of the Schemes are:
- To rehabilitate the Catchments through proper land use and proper Protection/Conservation measures in order to minimize erosion and at the same time increase the Productivity of land and income of Farmers through Soil Conservation measures which are Economically viable, technically feasible and Socially acceptable.
- To protect, improve and manage the catchment area for benefit of Water Resource Development including Water for drinking and irrigation by reducing sediment flow in River Systems thereby increasing the life span of the exiting reservoirs.
- To manage the catchment in order minimize natural calamities and disasters such as Floods and droughts and reduce their hazards.
- To develop the rural areas in the catchments for the benefit of the people thereby aiming to improve the Economy of the region.
OUTLINE OF THE SCHEME : Soil Conservations is the only known way to protect productive lands. In a predominantly agricultural state like Rajasthan droughts, famines and floods cause serve food scarcity. Soil conservation not only increases crop production, but also prevents further deterioration of land. Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Soil Conservation in the catchment of River Valley Projects and Flood Prone Rivers are being implemented in Rajasthan. Under RVP the catchments of Chambal, Mahi and Dantiwara are being treated since 1965. However, under FPR, treatment was initiated in Sahibi catchment during 1978. On completion of Sahibi catchment, Banas catchment was taken up during 1998, which is in progress since then.
MECHANISM OF IMPLEMENTATION : The CSS schemes of RVP and FPR schemes are being implemented by the Forest Department under the Micromanagement mode of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, GOI is the funding Ministry of the schemes. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, GOI has subsumed all the CSS schemes being implemented in Rajasthan under the Micromanagement mode.
The schemes are being implemented as per guidelines of GOI, Which envisage percentage limits for expenditure under various budget heads, cost of individual item of work and overall cost of treatment of a sub watershed.
The scheme is implemented on watershed basis in critically eroded areas of river catchments and envisages integrated watershed development by taken up the treatments of Agriculture, Waste and Forest lands together. The scheme envisages adoption of project approach for treatment of the catchments and integration of sectoral measures for comprehensive watershed Development and maintenance. It lays emphasis on consolidation of treatment efforts through project approach and sustainability of treatment measures through involvement of the local people of the watershed. It also promotes skills of farmers and field functionaries. Proper and effective administrative arrangements, control and coordination and monitoring have resulted in desired benefits from projects works.
SOURCES AND QUANTUM OF FUNDS INCLUDING INSTITUTIONAL FINANCE : The CSS schemes of RVP and FPR are funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, GOI on the funding pattern of 90% Central share and 10% State matching share. Out of the Central share 80% is Grant and 20% Loan to the State Govt.. The quantum of release is around 8 to 10 Crore every year for each RVP and FPR scheme.