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Transfer/Posting of MINISTERAL STAFF
Transfer/Posting of Ministeral Staff
Amendment promotion order Rajkaj Ref. no. 13742315 Date 25.02.2025
Amendment promotion order Rajkaj Ref. no. 13666756 Date 21.02.2025
Posting order of PS to SPS order no. 7040-7053/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of APS to PS order no. 7054-7069/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of PA-II to Additional PS order no. 7070-7086/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of EO order no. 6054-6164/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of Additional AO order no. 6276-6386/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of Assistant AO order no. 6387-6497/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of Senior Assistant order no. 6498-6608/C dt. 15.01.2025
Posting order of Administration Officers order no. 6165-6275/C dt. 15.01.2025
Transfer Order of Ministeral Staff order no. 6720-6926/C Dt. 15.01.2025
Regarding Promotion Order AAO To AO Deffered Case About Mr. Ramnivas Rajkaj No 12901801 Date 10.01.2025
Amendment promotion order PA to APS Rajkaj Ref. no. 12339843 Date 11.12.2024
Promotion order of APS to PS Rajkaj Ref. no. 12120056 Date 02.12.2024
Promotion order of PA-II to PA-I Rajkaj Ref. no. 12121736 Date 02.12.2024
Promotion order of PA to APS Rajkaj Ref. no. 12120350 Date 02.12.2024
Promotion order of AAO to AAO Rajkaj Ref. no. 12026308 Date 28.11.2024
Promotion Order of PS To SPS RajKaj Ref. no. 11699478 Date 11.11.2024
Regarding Promotion of Sh. Hemendra Singh Jhala Assistant Administrative Officer to Additional Administrative Officer RajKaj 11508585-07923 dt. 30.10.2024
Regarding order of Forego to promote to the post of Additional Administrative Officer RajKaj No. 11017465 dt. 18.10.2024
Regarding order of Forego to promote to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer RajKaj No. 10977082 dt. 18.10.2024
Regarding order of Forego to promote to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer RajKaj No. 10976183 dt. 10.10.2024
Regarding Promotion Order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant RajKaj 10311019-08657 dt. 05.09.2024
Regarding Promotion Order of Class IV to Junior Assistant RajKaj 10311036-08658 dt. 05.09.2024
Promotion order of OA to AAO Rajkaj Ref. no. 10186926 Date 02.09.2024
Promotion order of UDC to OA Rajkaj Ref. no. 10186939 Date 02.09.2024
Transfer order of Ministeral Staff order no. 3110-91 dt. 22.02.2024
Posting Order of APS order No. 2165-2178/C dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of PS order No. 2156-2163 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of PA-I order No. 2180-2186 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Establishment Officer order No. 2188-2193 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Administrative Officer order No. 2195-2328 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Additional Adm. Officer order No. 2330-2488 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Assistant Adm. officer order No. 2490-2698 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Senior Assistant order No. 2700-2929 dt. 20.02.2024
Posting Order of Junior Assistant order No. 2931-3060 dt. 20.02.2024
Transfer Order of ministerial Staff order No. 2010-2064 dt. 20.02.2024
Regarding Promotion order PS to SPS order no. 957-960/C dated 19.01.2024
Regarding Correction Order in order no. 705 dt. 28.03.2023 -Promotion of UDC to Asstt. Admn. Officer no.6877-87 dt. 21.12.2023
Regarding order of Forego to promote to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer order no. 8844-48/C dt. 11.12.2023
Regarding order of Forego to promote to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer order no. 8838-42/C dt. 11.12.2023
Regarding Correction Order in order no. 8371-76/C dt. 29.09.2023 -Promotion of UDC to Asstt. Admn. Officer no.8763-69/C dt. 06-11-2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant (Defer) dt.06.10.2023
Promotion order of PA to Add PS Date 05.10.2023
Promotion order of Senior Assistant to Assistant Administration officer (Children Case) dt. 29.09.2023
Promotion order of Senior Assistant to Assistant Administration officer (Defer) dt. 29.09.2023
Promotion order of Assistant Administration officer to Additional Administration Officer dt. 29.09.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant (Defer) dt.29.09.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant (Children Case) dt. 29.09.2023
Promotion order of Class IV to Junior Assistant (Children Case) dt. 29.09.2023
Promotion order of PA to Add PS order no.7363-7473 /c dt. 25.08.2023
Promotion order of PA II to PA I order no.7475-7585 /c dt. 25.08.2023
Promotion of Stenographer to PA Order No. 7097-7100/C dt. 14.08.2023
Amendment promotion order APS to PS order no. 2845-54 dated 31.07.2023
Promotion order APS to PS order no. 7037-42 dated 27.07.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant order no.6804-6913 /c dt. 21.07.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant (Defer) 2022-23 order no.6798-6802 /c dt. 21.07.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant (Defer) 2021-22 order no.6792-96 /c dt. 21.07.2023
Promotion order of Class IV to Junior Assistant order no.6915-7024 /c dt. 21.07.2023
Posting order of PS letter no. 6763-6766/C dt. 19.07.2023
Posting order of SPS letter no. 6757-6761/C dt. 19.07.2023
Promotion order of Senior Assistant to Assistant Administration officer order no. 6633-6743/c dt. 13.07.2023
Promotion order of Assistant Administration officer to Additional Administration Officer order no. 6499-6609/c dt. 07.07.2023
Promotion order of Additional Administration officer to Administration Officer order no. 6387-6497/c dt. 06.07.2023
Promotion order of Administration officer to Establishment Officer order no. 6380-85/c dt. 06.07.2023
Promotion order of Assistant Administration officer to Additional Administration Officer order no. 3825-3967/c dt. 09.05.2023
Promotion order of Senior Assistant to Assistant Administration officer order no. 3969-4114/c dt. 09.05.2023
Promotion order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant order no. 4116-4254/c dt. 09.05.2023
Promotion order PS to SPS order no. 1523-31 dated 31.03.2023
Promotion order APS to PS order no. 1499-1521 dated 31.03.2023
Promotion order For Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant order no. 847-956/c dt. 23.02.2023
Promotion order For Class IV to Junior Assistant as on 01.04.2022 order no. 958-1067/c dt. 23.02.2023
Transfer Order of Junior Assistant order no. 22-51 dt. 04.01.2023
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4363-4380 dt. 23.12.2022
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4319-4340 dt. 23.12.2022
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4297-4318 dt. 23.12.2022
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4275-4296 dt. 23.12.2022
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4253-4274 dt. 23.12.2022
Deputation Order in Rajasthan State Forest Development Corporation Limited (RSFDCL) Jaipur order no. 4231-4252 dt. 23.12.2022
Transfer Order of Ministeral Staff order no. 4204-4221 dt. 23.12.2022
Promotion Order of AAO to AO No. 6877-6891/C dt. 01.12.2022
Promotion Order of AO to EO No. 6867-6875/C dt. 01.12.2022
Transfer Order of Ministrial Staff No. 3908-20 dt. 10.11.2022
Appointment and Posting Order of New RSSB Batch Stenographer No. 10242-53 dt. 17.10.2022
Transfer Order of Ministrial Staff No. 3411--3442 dt. 13.10.2022
Promotion Order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant No. 5636-5776 C dt. 06-10-2022
Transfer Order of Ministrial Staf No. 2066-2085 dt. 29.09.2022
Promotion of UDC to Assistant Administrative Officer Order No. 5057-5204/C dt. 02.09.2022
Promotion of Stenographer to PA Order No. 4899-4905/C dt. 02.09.2022
Promotion of Additional PS to PS Order No. 4881-4888/C dt. 02.09.2022
Posting of PA to APS Order No. 4890-4897/C dt. 02.09.2022
Posting of Assistant Administrative Officer to Additional Administrative Officer Order No. 4907-5055/C dt. 02.09.2022
Promotion of Administrative Officer to Establishment Officer Order No. 4817-4830/C dt. 26.08.2022
Promotion of Additional Administrative Officer to Administrative Officer Order No. 4831-4856/C dt. 26.08.2022
Promotion of Stenographer to PA Order No. 4527-4535 C dt. 29.07.2022
Promotion of PA to Additional PS Order No. 4513-4526 C dt. 29.07.2022
Promotion of Additional PS To PS Order No. 4504-4512 C dt. 29.07.2022
Transfer Order of Ministral Staff Order no. 722-760 dt. 02.07.2022
Transfer Order of Ministral Staff Order no. 502-530 dt. 25.06.2022
Promotion/posting VIth class to Junior Assistant office order No. 3411-3430/C Dated 19.05.2022
Promotion/posting Junior Assisant to Senior Assistant office order No. 3299-3409/C Dated 19.05.2022
Promotion/Posting of Sr. Asstt to Asstt Admn Officer Officer Order No. 787-897-C dt. 23.03.2022
Promotion/Posting of Asstt. Admn. Officer to Addl. Admn. Officer Order No. 674-785-C dt. 23.03.2022
Promotion Order of Class IV to Junior Assistant Order No. 555-563 C dt. 15.03.2022
Promotion Order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant Order No. 564-645 C dt. 15.03.2022
Promotion/Posting Order of Steno to PA no. 7017-7036 C dt. 10.11.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of PA to Addl. PS no. 7010-7016 C dt. 10.11.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of Addl. PS to PS no. 7002-7009 C dt. 10.11.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of Addl. A.O. to Admn. Officer no. 7037-7054 C dt. 10.11.2021
Transfer Order of Ministerial Staff Order no. 751-80 dt. 30.09.2021
Promotion of Asstt Admn Officer to Addl Admn Officer Order no. 6388-6499 dt. 24.09.2021
Promotion of Senior Assistant to Asstt Admn Officer Order no. 6505-6616 dt. 24.09.2021
Transfer and Posting Order of Ministerial Staff no. 601-40 dt. 13.09.2021
Promotion and posting order No. 6023 dt. 9.9.2021 from Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant
Promotion and posting order No. 6199 dt. 9.9.2021 from Class IV to Junior Assistant
Promotion/Posting order from AO to EO order no. 5992 dt. 8 sept. 2021
Promotion/Posting order from AAO to AO order no. 6001 dt. 8 sept. 2021
Transfer List of Ministerial Staff Order no. 481-520 dt. 14.08.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of APS To PS order no. 5501-5507/c dt. 30.07.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of PA To APS order no. 5508-5517/c dt. 30.07.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of Steno To PA order no. 5518-5530/c dt. 30.07.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of Fourth Class to LDC order no. 533-548/c dt. 18.03.2021
Promotion/Posting Order of Senior Asstt. to Admn. Officer Order no. 485-491/C dt. 03.03.2021
Promotion/Transfer Order of Junior Asstt to Seniro Asstt No. 346-457-C 26.02.2021
Transfer and Posting order of Ministrial Staff no. 71-90 dt. 05.01.2021
Posting order of AAO to Add AO order no 7963-8103/c dt 23.12.2020
Posting order of Senior Assistant to AAO order no 8105-8245/c dt 23.12.2020
Posting order of Junior Assistant to Senior Assistant order no 7935-7961/c dt 23.12.2020
Transfer and Posting Order of Ministerial Staff No. 3621-3650 dt. 23.12.2020
Promotion and Posting order of PA to APS order no 5415-5423/c dt 10.08.2020
Revised Promotion and Posting order of Senior Assitant to AAO order no 7782-7837/c dt 10.12.2019
Promotion and Posting order of Senior Assistant to AAO order no 7782-7837/c dt 10.12.2019
Promotion and Posting order of AAO to Add AO order no 7707-7780/c dt 10.12.2019
Transfer/Posting of PA to APS order no 7412-7417/c dt 28.11.2019
Transfer/Posting of Steno to PA order no 7399-7410/c dt 28.11.2019
Transfer/Posting of Add AO to AO 2019-20 order no 7383-7397/c dt 28.11.2019
Transfer /Posting of Ministerial Staff Order no. 1074 dt 27.09.2019
Transfer/Posting Ministerial Staff order no 734 dt 06.09.2019
Promotion and Posting order of LDC to UDC (Deferred) order no 5691-5705/c dt 30.7.2019
Promotion and Posting of Sr Asst to Asstt Admn Officer Order no. 5658-65 dt. 26.07.2019
Promotion and Posting of Asstt Admn Officer to Addl Admn Officer Order no. 5666-72 dt. 26.07.2019
Promotion and Posting of LDC to UDC dated 27-06-2019
Promotion and Posting of Steno to PA Order no. 3556-3561 dt. 10.06.2019
Posting order of PA to APS order no 1734-1741/c dt 05.03.2019
Promotion/Posting order of LDC to UDC order no 1465-1575/c and 1577-1607/c dt 05.03.2019
Promotion/Posting order of Peon to LDC order no 1609-1719 and 1721-1732/c dt. 05.03.2019
Posting order of PA to APS order no 1330-1440/c dt. 27.02.2019
Tramsfer/Posting of Ministrial Staff order no. 863 dt. 01.10.2018
Transfer/Posting of Ministrial Staff Order No. 672-700 dated 12.09.2018
Transfer/Posting of UDC Order No. 5087-5157 dated 27.07.2018
Promotion of LDC To UDC Order No. 4920-5030/c dt. 20.07.2018
Transfer Posting of Class IV Order no. 389-96 dt. 31.05.2018
Promotion of Class 4th to Junior assistant letter no 4220-4258/c dt 17.05.2018
Transfer Posting of AAO/LDC/Forester/ Forest Guard/Driver/Amin Order No. 102-28 dt. 10.04.2018
Promotion order of UDC to OA letter no 1666-1808/c dt. 26.02.2018
Information regarding promotion of LDC to UDC dt. 31.01.2018
Information regarding promotion of IV Class to LDC dt. 31.01.2018
Promotion and Posting Order no. 2494 C dt. 26.05.2017 of Asstt OS to OS cum Asstt. Admn. Officer
Promotion/Transfer order of Clerk Gr. II to clerk Gr I office order no 1880-1940 dt. 27.04.2017
Promotion of Clerk Gr.-II to Clerk Gr.-I Office Order no. 1292-1303 C dt. 27.03.2017
Transfer/Posting order of Ministrail Staff dt. 10.10.2016
Transfer/Posting order of Ministrial Staff dt. 10.10.2016
Promotion Posting of Asst PS to PS Order no. 3484 dt. 30.09.2016
Promotion Posting of Clerk I to Asst. OS Order no. 3491 dt. 30.09.2016
Promotion Posting of Steno to PA Order no. 3484 dt. 30.09.2016
Promotion/Posting of Clerk Gr.-I to Asstt. OS Order No. 2248 C dt. 28.06.2016
Promotion / Posting of OS cum Asstt. Admin. officer 1322-56 date 16-05-16
Promotion of Asstt. OS to OS cum Asstt. Admin. Officer 1211-1320 date 16-05-16
Promotion _Posting order OS cum asstt. Adm. Officer dt. 8 sept. 2015
Promotion _Posting order LDC to UDC dt. 3 aug. 2015
Promotion _ Posting order of Administrative Officer 30 July 2015
Promotion _Posting order of Ministerial Cadre dt. 21 july 2015
Transfer order of Ministerial Cadre dated 30.06.2015
Transfer_Posting order of Ministerial Cadre dated 15.06.2015
Promotion _Posting order UDC to OA dt. 11.05.2015
Promotion _Posting order Steno to PA
Transfer _Posting order of OA, LDC & Others dt. 17.10.2014
Transfer _Posting order of OA, LDC & Others dt. 10.10.2014
Promotion & Posting order LDC to UDC dt. 08.10.2014
Promotion & Posting order OA to OS date 12 Sept. 2014
Promotion & Posting list UDC to OA dated 1 July 2014
Promotion & posting order OA to OS dated 04.03.2014
Promotion & posting order Steno to PA dated 18.9.2013
Promotion & posting order Sr.PA to PS dated 18.9.2013
Promotion & posting order PA to Senior PA dated 18.9.2013
Promoted posting order of IV Class to LDCs dated 31.07.2013
Transfer_Posting order of Ministerial Staff dated 17.7.13
Promoted Posting order of UDC to OA dated 05.07.2013
Transfer_Posting order of Ministerial Staff dated 05.07.2013
Posting order of UDCs dated 17.06.2013
Promoted Posting order of UDCs to OAs dated 07.06.2013
Transfer_Posting order of Ministerial Staff dated 03.01.2013
Transfer_Posting list of various employees dated 12.07.2012
Transfer list of Ministerial Staff dated 31.05.2012
Transferorder of PA_Steno's_OS_UDCs_LDCs dated 18.05.2012