- The Rajasthan Forest Act, 1953.
- The Reserved Forest Rules, 1957.
- The Protected Forest Rules, 1957.
- The Rajasthan Forest Produce Transit Rules, 1957.
- The Forest (Hunting, Shooting, Fishing and Water Poisoning Rules, 1957.
- The Rules Relating to the Grant of Concessions of Forest Produce, 1955.
- The Rajasthan Forest Contract Rules (In Hindi).
- The Rajasthan Preservation of Certain Animals Act, 1953.
- The Rajasthan Wild Animals and Birds Protection Act, 1951.
- The Rajasthan Wild Animals and Birds Protection Rules, 1958.
- The Schedule of Wild Animals and Wild Birds, 1957.
- The Rajasthan Entrance to the Game Sanctuaries Rules, 1958.
- The Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955.
- The Rules Under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955.
- The Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956.
- The Rajasthan Land Reforms and Resumption of Jagirs Act, 1952.
- The Rajasthan Land Reforms and Resumption of Jagirs Rules, 1954.
- The Rajasthan Public Demands Recovery Act, 1952.
- The Rajasthan Public Demands Recovery Rules, 1953.
- The Cattle Trespass Act, 1871
- The Indian Arms Act, 1878.
- Rules For Allotment of Forest Coupes Fixation of Price of Coupes, Supervition and Sale of Forest Produce by Forest Co-operative Societies, 1957.
- The Rajasthan Forest Sattlement Rules, 1958.
- The Rajasthan Reserved Forest (Exercise of Rights) Rules, 1960.
- The Rajasthan Protected Forests (Exercise of Concessions) Rules, 1960.
- The Rajasthan Reserved Forests (Commutation of Rights) Rules, 1960.
- The Rajasthan Protected Forests (Exercise of Rights) Rules, 1960.
- The Rajasthan Reserved Forests (Exercise of Concessions) Rules, 1960.
- Schedule of Close Period fro Wild Animals and Birds, 1960.
- Rules for Grant of Loan to Forest Labourers Co-operative Societies, 1960.
- Rules For Management and Occupation of Forest Rest Houses in Rajasthan.
- Rules for the use of the Emblem Prescribed for the State Board of the Preservation of Wild Lifi in Rajasthan.