Government of Rajasthan
Forest Department
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Districtwise Forest Blocks Google Earth
Forest Production
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Information Technology
Acts & Rules
Guidelines for Portals Mapping
Orders & Circulars
Monitoring & Evaluation
Evaluation Report
Formats of Evaluation
Orders & Circulars
NTFP & Tendu Patta
Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Development Project (RFBDP)
About Project
Project Component
Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Project
Silviculture & Research
About Us
Act, Rules, Orders & Circulars
Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
Ownership Certificates
Protected Area of Rajasthan
Relocation of Villages
Tiger Conservation Plan
Wildlife Population Estimation
Zoo, Biological Park, Rescue Center & Bird Park
Working Plan & Forest Settlement
Forest Resources
Forest Policy
Forest Statistics
Area & Land
General Introduction
Out Turn of Produce
Forests Acts & Rules
Citizen Services
Amrita Devi Awards
Captive Animal Sponsorship Scheme
Empanelment for Rescue Volunteers
Land Use Permits/NOC
List of Revenue Villages for which Certificate of distance is not required
Notification regarding declaration of Oran & Ecological areas as deemed Forest
Online Safari/Zoo Ticket Booking
Public Grievances
RTI Booklet
RTI Online
RTI related Information & Orders
Transit Passes
Important Links
E-Green Watch
GOR Portal
Rajasthan Biodiversity Board
Rajasthan Tourism
Gazetted Cell
Non-Gazetted Cell
Previous all Orders (till 31.12.2023)
Employee Corner
Department Intranet FMDSS
Guidelines for Portals Mapping through IT Cell
HRMS: Employee Details
Leave/APAR Application
Quick References
RFS Civil List
Raj e-office
Rosters (Update as on 25.10.2023)
Seniority List
Work Charge Employee Details
APO(Annual Plan of Operations)
Acts, Rules & Notification
Annual Report
Budget Allotment
Fixed Assets Register
Photo Gallery
Annual Reports
Appointment Order of Livestock Assistant
Important Court Orders
MOU Between Forest Department, Govt. of Rajasthan and State Bank of India , Jaipur for State Govt. Salary Package
Rajasthan Forest Statistics, 2021
Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Development Project (RFBDP)
Contact Us
Transfer/Posting of RFS OFFICER
Transfer/Posting of RFS OFFICER
Transfer order of RFS Rajakaj Ref. no. 13025743 Dated 15.01.2025
Transfer order of RFS Dated 08.12.2024
Transfer order of RFS Dated 08.12.2024
Promtoion Order Of RO to ACF dated 26.11.2024
Promotion Order of DCF Senior Scale to DCF Selection Scale dt. 25.11.2024
Transfer order of RFS dated 13.03.2024
Transfer order of RFS dated 22.02.2024
Transfer order of RFS dated 20.02.2024
Transfer order of RFS dated 02.08.2023
Transfer order of RFS dated 13.01.2023
Transfer order of RFS dated 17.11.2022
Transfer Order of RFS Officers Dated 03.11.2022
Transfer Order of RFS Officers Dated 12.10.2022
Promotion Order of DCF Senior Scale to DCF Selection Scale dt. 04.10.2022
Promotion Order of DCF Selection Scale to DCF Super Time Scale dt. 04.10.2022
Promotion Order Of ACF to DCF dated 04.10.2022
Newly Appointed ACFs Posting Order Dated 20.09.2022
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 05.08.2022
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 03.08.2022
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 15.07.2022
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 05.07.2022
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 29.09.2021
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 09.09.2021
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 04.08.2021
Promotion order of RFS Officers Higher Super Time scale/Selection scale/Senior scale dt. 24.02.2021
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers dated 28.12.2020
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 23.12.2020
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 06.12.2019
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 29.09.2019
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 29.09.2019
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 29.09.2019
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 29.09.2019
Promtoion Order Of ACF to DCF dated 20-09-2019
Order of RFS Officers Senior Scale to Selection Scale dt. 20.09.2019
Order of RFS Officer Super Time Scale to Higher Super Time Scale dt. 20.09.2019
Transfer/Posting order of RFS Officers Dated 06.07.2018
Transfer order of RFS Officers Dated 05-07-2018
Transfer order of RFS Officers Dated 16-03-2018
Promtoion Order Of ACF to DCF dated 08-03-2018
Promtoion Order Of RO to ACF dated 08-03-2018
Transfer/Posting Order of RFS Officers dt 02.08.2017
Transfer/Posting Order of RFS Officers dt 19.06.2017
Transfer and posting of ACF dated 10.5.2017
Transfer and Posting Order of RFS Order dt. 09.05.2017
Promotion order of DCF on Selection Scale Grade Pay 7600 dated 25.01.2017
Promotion order of ACF to DCF Dated 25.01.2017
Transfer and posting of ACF dated 10.10.2016
Transfer and posting of ACF dated 10.10.2016
Promotion and Posting order of RO-I to ACFs dated 05.11.2015
Promotion and Posting order of RFS Officers dated 16.10.2015
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 30.06.2015
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 15.06.2015
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 05.06.2015
Transfer Order of RFS Officer dt 01.06.2015
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 24.12.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 22.10.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 10.10.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 10.10.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 02.07.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 04.3.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 03.03.2014
Transfer Order of RFS Officers dt 03.10.2013
Amendment order Promotion and Posting RO-I to ACF dated 26.08.2013
Promotion and posting order RO-I to ACF dated 26.08.2013
Transfer_Posting order of RFS Officers dated 17.7.2013
Transfer_Posting order of RFS Officers dated 26.6.2013
Promotion and posting order ACF to DCF dated 18.06.2013
Transfer_Posting order of RFS Officers dated 20.5.2013
Transfer_Posting order of RFS Officers dated 10.5.2013
Amendment order dated 07.05.2013 Transfer-Posting list of RFS datd 06.05.2013
Transfer_Posting list of RFS dated as on 06.05.2013
Transfer_Posting list of RFS dated as on 03.01.2013
Transfer_Posting list of RFS dated as on 21.12.2013
Transfer_Posting list of RFS DCFs dated as on 23.11.2012
Transfer_posting list of DCF_ACFs dated 09.10.2012
Transfer_posting list of DCF_ACFs dated 21.09.2012
Transfer order RFS (DCFs/ACFs) dated 07.08.2012
Transfer list of DCFs & ACFs dated 11.07.2012
Transfer list of RFS dated 31.05.2012
Transfer list of ACFs dated 24.04.2012
Transfer list of ACFs dated 11.04.2012
Transfer order of RFS dated 09.01.2012
Transfer order of RFS dated 30.04.2012
Transfer order of SCO dated 24.04.2012