- Model Cost Norms @285 Letter no. 61-76 A dt. 05-02-2025 Grassland Development Desert Area & Non-Desert Area (Without Planting)
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 285 and Materail Rate-2023 Letter no. 61-76 dt. 05-02-2025
- Revised Models/Rates of NFL-DFL for compliance.
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 259 and Materail Rate-2021 Letter no. 1538-52 dt. 22-11-2023
- FTI Training Models (1-13) dt. 05.10.2023
Model Cost Norms @ 259/-
- Model Cost Estimate Letter no. 691-706 dt 18.10.2024 Shelter Belt and Nursery Models, Boundary Pillar, Bamboo Culture Operations
- Model Cost Norms @259 Letter no. 386-402 dt. 03-07-2024 RDF I, RDF II, Silvi- pastoral plantation in Non-IGNP area (Wildlife / Hill Area ) ,Grassland Development Protected Areas (Non-Desert Area) and Letter no. 436-452 dt. 10.07.2024 Grassland Development Protected Areas (Desert Area), GrassLand Development (Desert Area/Non Desert Area)
- Model Cost Norms @259 Letter no. 1219-33 dt. 19-07-2023 Grassland Development Desert Area & Non-Desert Area
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 259 and Materail Rate-2021 Letter no. 803-817 dt. 28-02-2023 (Boundary Pillar @ 259 ,Nhai Barbed Wire Fencing @ 259 , Nhai Tree Guard @ 259)
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 259 and Materail Rate-2021 Letter no. 443-457 dt. 02-11-2022 and letter no. 620-34 dt. 07-12-2022
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 259 and Materail Rate-2021 Letter no. 590-605 dt. 06-12-2022
Model Cost Norms @ 252/-
- New Model Cost Norms Labour Rate 252 and Material Rate 2021 letter no. 418-32 dt. 29.11.2021
- Model Cost Estimate for Plantation along NHAI Roads dt. 26.07.2021
- Model Cost Norms Final dated 11-12-2018
- Model Cost Norms 201 and 192 Dt.10.11.2017
- Regarding WAM Modules By Finance Deptt Letter no. 13545--558 dt. 04-01-2017 FA letter 8849-949 dt. 17-01-2017
- Conversion of Prosopis Juliflora bushes into Tree Wod-Lots letter No.36-50 dated 13.01.2017
- Model of Plantation under MJSA letter no. 1940-54 dt. 06.12.2016
- Model of Plant Raising in nurseries letter no. 1543-61 dt. 15.09.2016
- Modal Cost Estimate for Post Plantation Maintenance Under MNREGA (Jhadbar Fenced -20 Plants)
- Modal Cost Estimate for Post Plantation Maintenance Under MNREGA (Ring-pit Fenced -20 Plants)
- Modal Cost Estimate for Post Plantation Maintenance Under MNREGA (Stone wall fenced -20 Plants)
- Modal Cost Estimate of Vriksh Kunj Plantation & Maintenance @189 (200 Plants)
- Model Cost Estimate for Post Plantation Maintenance under MANREGA (Vriksh Kunj 200 Plants)
- Model Cost Estimate for Eco-restoration under (MNREGA)
- Models for Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan(MJSA) dt. 08.07.2016
- Models for Nurseries and Plantation of RFBP Phase-2
- Models for development activities Dt. 30.01.2014
- Models for development activities dt. 20.07.2015